We link together.

Based on our core values Quality, Value and Integrity (Qvi), We link together Contractors, actors and individuals and united we contribute to a sustainable transport system.

What do we do.

“QVILINK enables quick market entry and profitable business opportunities in the Swedish railway and construction market.

We build sustainable relationships and link Contractors and other actors with professional national suppliers.

In addition, we deliver value-creating services such as competence, education, tender and business support as well as management and execution resources”

Do you want to get in touch with us?

We want to become more.

Everything starts with an idea. Maybe you want to start a business and are looking for a partner. Perhaps you want help submitting a tender or execute a project. Maybe you want to work in an exciting project or assignment.

Together, we have various advances skills and many years of experience working on the Swedish railway and construction market.

We would like to get in touch with you who have a high drive and want to make a difference for the Swedish transport system.